How to File a Public Liability Claim in Queensland: A Step-by-Step Guide

Accidents happen in everyday life, and when an accident occurs on public or private property due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to file a public liability claim. Public liability claims can cover a wide range of incidents, including slips, trips, falls, injuries from defective products, and accidents in public spaces like parks, … Read more

為何昆士蘭「不成功,不收費 No Win, No Fee」合法,而香港則不允許?

在全球範圍內,法律服務的支付方式反映了不同的法律系統和文化價值觀。特別是在昆士蘭和香港這兩地,「不成功,不收費」的法律安排和其相關實踐展示了兩種截然不同的法律環境和對司法公正的考量。 昆士蘭的「不成功,不收費」 昆士蘭的「不成功,不收費」模式允許律師在案件成功後才向客戶收費。這種安排使得即使是經濟條件有限的個人也能夠尋求法律幫助,從而增加了公眾對法律服務的可及性。這種做法在以下幾個方面尤為重要: 1. 風險評估:律師在接受案件前會進行嚴格的可行性分析,以確保案件有足夠的勝訴機會。這種風險由律師承擔,因此律師有動力只接受那些他們認為有高勝訴可能性的案件。 2. 費用透明:律師需要明確向客戶說明可能產生的各項費用,包括成功後的收費標準及任何可能的附加費用。 3. 增加訴訟質量:由於律師的報酬與案件結果直接相關,這促使律師提供更高質量的法律服務。 然而,這種模式也引發了對「索賠農場 – Claim Farming」活動的關注,這是指那些透過不當手段,如騷擾電話或不請自來的通訊,收集潛在索賠案件並將這些案件資訊出售給律師的行為。昆士蘭已立法明確禁止這種行為,以維護市場的公正性和消費者的權益。  香港的法律禁令及其背景 在香港,「包攬訴訟 – Champerty」和「助訟 – Maintenance」被視為違法行為,任何無正當理由介入他人訴訟的行為均可能構成刑事罪行。香港的這種嚴格規定源於以下幾個考量: 1. 司法公正:香港法律體系對於可能影響司法公正的行為持嚴格態度。這包括防止利益衝突和確保訴訟不被不當的外部影響所左右。 2. 防止濫訴:通過禁止第三方未經授權且基於利益驅動的訴訟資助,香港法律旨在減少無根據的或濫訴案件的出現,這些案件可能會浪費司法資源並導致不必要的法律紛爭和社會成本的增加。 3. 維護律師專業操守:香港特別強調律師在行業中的道德操守和職業獨立性,禁止「包攬訴訟」和「助訟」的法律規範有助於防止可能出現的職業道德問題。 然而,香港的廣告中偶爾可見到使用「不成功,不收費」這類語言,尤其是在涉及個人傷害和工傷賠償的案件中。這些通常由索賠公司而非律師直接發出,存在法律和道德的爭議,因為這可能誤導消費者,讓他們誤以為可以無風險地進行訴訟。 兩地法律實踐的文化反映 昆士蘭與香港在「不成功,不收費」的法律安排上的不同,不僅反映了各自的法律規範和司法獨立性,也反映了對法律服務可及性的不同文化看法。昆士蘭的做法體現了對民眾法律權益普及的重視,而香港的嚴格規定則凸顯了對司法公正和律師職業操守的高度重視。 總結來說,昆士蘭的「不成功,不收費」和香港的嚴格禁令,各有其背後的法律哲學和社會價值。這些差異對於理解兩地如何平衡公民訴訟權利和保障司法公正提供了寶貴的視角。用户和法律從業者都應該深入了解各自法律環境的具體規範,以更好地導航其司法實踐和專業行為。

The Impact of Social Media on Personal Injury Cases

In the age of digital communication, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok have become integral parts of our daily lives. While these platforms offer unparalleled opportunities for connection and expression, they also present unique challenges and implications for legal matters, particularly personal injury cases. Understanding the impact of social media on these cases … Read more

Understanding the Difference Between Queensland WorkCover Statutory Claims and Common Law Claims

Accidents and injuries can disrupt one’s life, causing physical, emotional, and financial challenges. In Queensland, Australia, individuals who sustain injuries at the workplace are entitled to compensation through the Queensland workers’ compensation system. Two primary avenues for seeking compensation are WorkCover statutory claims and common law claims. While both are designed to provide support to … Read more

Eustace v Dubrava & Anor [2023] QDC 100

Facts:In August 2017, the plaintiff came to a stop behind several cars at a red traffic light intersection. The first defendant moved her car forward and collided with the back of the plaintiff’s vehicle. Decision:The court ruled a total of $12,966.90 compensation for the plaintiff’s damages. Ratio:The plaintiff claimed that the accident caused a permanent … Read more

What are the steps for a Motor Vehicle Accident CTP Claim?

According to Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994, individuals who can prove their injuries were caused by another person’s negligence may be eligible to claim compensation. Please note you have up to three years from when the accident occurred to make the claim which means any claim made after 3 years of the subject accident will … Read more

What can be claimed from a CTP insurer?

Generally speaking, there are a few heads of damages you can claim pursuant to Civil Liability Act 2003 and Civil Liability Regulation 2014:- This article will briefly talk about what does each head of damages mean and the methodology the court uses to calculate the compensation amount. General damages ‘General damages’ refers to compensation for … Read more

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