
Your Flood Insurance

“It is currently the most stressful and tragic times for those who are impacted by the recent floods. We are aware that the first step to rebuilding your life back is to prepare for an insurance claim. We have made a quick and easy to read outline below to assist you with making  an insurance claim. 

1. Take emergency documents

Make sure that you have your insurance documents with you either on hard or electronic copies. This will make it easier for you to refer to or provide to your insurer. It would also be helpful for you to store your important documents such as drivers licence and birth certificate in a waterproof bag to prevent water damage.

2. Check your policy cover

Have a read of your PDS (product disclosure statement) to determine whether your insurance policy will cover you for flood damage. Please keep in mind that insurance policies may have a waiting period of up to 48-72 hours.

3. Photograph all damage

To make a successful claim, you will need to provide evidence. It is important for you to photograph and record all damages to your property and belongings. Please keep any receipts that can be used to value your items. Only take extensive photos of the damage when it is safe to do so.

4. Reach out to your insurer

Do not contact the insurer unless you are safe, dry and in a secured place.

There are different ways to contact the insurer such as by phone, email  or online. We highly recommend that you record all communications with the insurer to refer back on. Don’t panic if you don’t have your insurance documents with you, the insurer can usually identify your policy by way of name and address.

5. What if I don’t have cover?

If you find yourself not having flood cover, you may need to refer back to your PDS (product disclosure statement) to see whether you are covered from storm or rain water damage. Please note that you may need to prove where the water came from and how it reached your property.

We hope that the above tips will assist you with making an insurance claim. In the future, there are general safety precautions that you can adopt. It would be helpful to know your local area and the history of flooding. Perhaps pack an emergency kit on hand which may include a torch, battery operated radio and spare batteries. Stay vigilante and identify evacuation routes and centres around you. Never drive or swim in flooded waters and remember to follow instructions from local authorities. But remember: if its flooded, forget it.”


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