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  • Multicultural Understanding: Embracing Australia’s diverse community, our team’s multicultural background enhances our ability to relate to and represent clients from varied backgrounds.
  • Client-Centric Convenience: We meet you where and when it’s most comfortable for you, making the process as easy and stress-free as possible.
  • Specialised Expertise: We ensure you receive knowledgeable and effective legal representation.
  • Accessible Advocacy: Our lawyers are readily available, ensuring you receive the prompt attention and thorough care your case deserves.
  • Commitment to Comfort: We prioritise your comfort and confidence, striving to make legal consultations less intimidating and more welcoming.
  • Trusted Partnerships: More than just your lawyers, we are your partners through tough times, dedicated to your well-being and legal success.
  • Building Trust and Rapport: We understand the importance of personal connection and trust, making sure you feel supported and understood every step of the way.






在週末,Jonathan喜歡在當地教堂教導兒童,與家人和朋友玩桌遊。他自願為Caxton Legal Centre法律中心工作,並擔任布里斯班華人獅子會的現任會長。他堅信提供社區支持的重要性。





Levanna,我們律所的主要律師。Levanna 在完成昆士蘭大學的法律和心理學雙學士學位後,被錄取為昆士蘭最高法院的註冊律師,她獨特的背景賦予她對法律和人類行為的全面理解。她能流利使用英語、普通話和廣東話,輕鬆地與來自不同文化背景的客戶建立聯繫。


除了她的法律專業知識,Levanna 還深深地致力於回饋社區,這一點可以從她在香港最大的非營利組織擔任慈善事務官以及她在Caxton Legal Centre的時間得以體現。她熱愛動物,她的週末充滿了探險性的活動,如深潛、滑雪和探索偏遠地區。

出生在悉尼並在那裡長大,Levanna 的旅程與許多州際澳大利亞人的旅程相似,使她對他們獨特需求的感同身受。作為我們律所的合作夥伴,Levanna 為每一位她代表的客戶帶來了豐富的法律專業知識、文化意識和富有同情心的倡導。

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